John the savage brave new world movie
John the savage brave new world movie

john the savage brave new world movie

For example, the heavy and constant use of the drug “Soma,” and the regular exposure of the World State’s populace to the “feelies” (Huxley). In Brave New World, we see a social order maintained through excess. Similarly to Brave New World, the film also extrapolates and modernizes the technology of its own time, and effectively demonstrates the dangers of continual reliance on these technologies. Set in 2805, and following the exploits of a robot responsible for garbage processing, the film engages with the very Huxleyan idea of a society controlled through excess and consumption. One example of such a text is the Pixar film WALL-E. It is interesting then, to examine works that whilst still original in their speculation, clearly draw from Huxley’s thoughts and ideas in the construction of their future. Critically speaking, however, it is my view that modern dystopian fiction seems to fall short to the likes of Huxley’s work in Brave New World. As the popularity of dystopian fiction continues to increase, creativity around how the future is approached seems to be an important factor in how dystopian texts are received.

John the savage brave new world movie